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Honghuayuan Formation

Honghuayuan Fm


Age Interval: 
Latest Tremadocian-Floian, (43, 44, 45)

Guizhou, Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Hubei, Hunan

Type Locality and Naming

The type section is at area east of Laojie in Huanghuayuan 7 km south of Tongzi County, Guizhou. The Honghuayuan Fm is derived from the Honghuayuan Limestone proposed by Zhang Mingshao and Sheng Xinfu in 1940. The Honghuayuan Limestone was published first by Zhang Mingshao and Sheng Xinfu in 1958. Chi (1940) defined the Cameroceras Limestone which was renamed the Honghuayuan Fm by Zhang Wentang (1962).

Synonym: (红花园组), Huanghuayuan Fm

Reference Section:

The reference section is at Huanghuachang 7 km northwest of Yichang City, Hubei

Lithology and Thickness

The formation is dominated by gray, dark gray medium-bedded to massive bioclastic limestone bearing common chert concretions and lenses, intercalated with local thin-bedded limestone and very thin shale. In the type area, the Honghuayuan Fm is about 30 m thick.

Lithology Pattern: 
Siliceous limestone

Relationships and Distribution

Lower contact

It rests conformably on the shale at the top of the Tongzi Fm at the type section. In the reference section, it rests conformably on the thin- to medium-bedded limestone intercalated with yellowish green shale at the top of the Fenxiang Fm. In most regions, a conformable contact between the Honghuayuan Fm and the underlying strata is observed, and in eastern Yunnan, it rests disconformably on the Cambrian.

Upper contact

It is conformably overlain by the shale at the bottom of the Meitan Fm at the type section. In the reference section, is conformably overlain by the thick- to thin-bedded bioclastic limestone bearing glauconite at the bottom of the Dawan Fm. The upper boundary of this stratigraphic unit shows a diachronism. In Yichang, Hubei and Datianba in Xiushan, Sichuan, at the bottom of the overlying Dawan Fm find the Didymograptus deflexus, but in Huangjiazhai in Youyang, Sichuan and Chenjiahe in Yichang, Hubei, the Chitinozoa Eremochitina baculata zone corresponding to the lower part of the graptolite Didymograptus deflexus zone is found from the top of the Honghuayuan Fm, indicating a higher upper boundary for the Honghuayuan Fm in Huangjiazhai and Chenjiahe than in the type area. In most regions, a conformable contact between the Honghuayuan Fm and the overlying strata is observed.

Regional extent

With a persistent lithology, the Honghuayuan Fm varies considerably in thickness along the length of its outcrop. In Zhenghai, Eastern Yunnan, it recorded a thickness of 1-12 m; 10-170 m in south part of northern Guizhou and southeastern Guizhou; 22-80 m in southwestern and northeastern Sichuan; 13-80 m in western Hubei and northwestern Hunan; 12-71 m in eastern Hubei; 132-206 m in Ningzhen ranges; 24-141 m in southern Anhui. This stratigraphic unit can be correlated with the Dacao Fm in Northeastern Sichuan (Chen Junhan et al., 1988), Datan Fm at Susong and Hexian, Anhui (Zhang Quanzhong et al., 1966).




This formation yields conodont of Serratognathus diversus range-zone; cephalopod of Coreanoceras assemblage zone and chitinozoan of Conochitina symmetrica range-zone. The Honghuayuan Fm in the type area is equivalent to the Tetragraptus approximatus zone.


Latest Tremadocian-Floian. [Top of age span used here is most common and adjusted for base of Dawan Fm.]

Age Span: 

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Depositional setting

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Additional Information


Jianpo Wang and Xiaofeng Wang